Problems with YUM -Y UPDATE

Check this out ~

Yum commands :

# yum repolist all         [verifie the installed repos]
# rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*  [clear yum cache]
# rpm -Va                  [check all packages]
# yum clean all            [clean yum]
# rpm --rebuilddb          [rebuild database]
# yum update -d6           [yum update]
# yum check-update -d6 --noplugins
# rpm -qa yum \*           [output yum infos]

,,,…maybe,,, the Time Protocol? 😉 and more to this…,,,,,

have a FUN_YUM!

FIXED on a live server, Thanks to a wizard of OZ!!! Don’t ask me how!


P.S Do not do complex commands on a live server ,,, or just have fun, in the learning 😉