Install SysStat to enable system monitoring

Install SysStat
# yum -y install sysstat
# systemctl start sysstat
# systemctl enable sysstat

Check the status of SysStat
# systemctl status sysstat

Add SysStat into a Cron Job
# cat /etc/cron.d/sysstat

# Run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1
# 0 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 600 6 &
# Generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa2 -A

Settings of SysStat


# sysstat-10.1.5 configuration file.

# How long to keep log files (in days).
# If value is greater than 28, then log files are kept in
# multiple directories, one for each month.


# Compress (using gzip or bzip2) sa and sar files older than (in days):


# Parameters for the system activity data collector
# which are used for the generation of log files

# *note


# *note : valid options

INT     ⇒  System Interrupts
DISK    ⇒  Block Devices
SNMP    ⇒  SNMP statistics
IPV6    ⇒  IPv6 statistics
POWER   ⇒  Power Management statistics
ALL     ⇒  All of the above
XDISK   ⇒  DISK + Partition statistics
XALL    ⇒  All of the above (ALL + XDISK)